Journal Entry #6 Revision Strategies

1. The name of the strategy that I did was called beyond Examples.

2. The purpose of this exercise was to present an opposing view, check where my paper needed to have more information and how to make my paper more interesting to my readers.

3. While I was doing this exercise I knew that I needed to work in a certain area on my paper in order to make sence. I will need to organized socio-economic status in a better way and give more information about the situation.

4. I’m not going to move the order that my paper has, but I will be adding more information to the topics.

Add a comment June 3, 2010

Research Journal Entry #5

  • Exordium: I want to start my paper with the increasing number of obesity in the United States and how it’s affecting children in many ways. The numbers have grown so much and continuing to grow along with health problems.
  • Narratio (Introduction): Most of my information that I have gathered will help me give the reader a better understanding about this epidemic. It gives good information on the number of obesity, health problems, foods children eat, parents that aren’t motivating children in exercising and how society can help, but aren’t. This is an issue in our society since children are taking adult medication, wearing adult size clothes, having disease that were seen in adult and not in children before. This issue is important and should be taken very seriously if we want to have healthy children in our society.
  • Propositio (Claim): In child obesity, lifestyle is the most important cause.
  • Confirmatio (Support): Some of my sub-claims will be lack of exercise, diet, socio-economic, school, parents and government.
  • Peroratorio (Conclusion): I will like to conclude my paper on the important of watching our children’s diet and the sad epidemic that children are living today due to their lifestyle.

4 comments May 11, 2010

Research Journal Entry 4

  1. Twenty years ago obesity was not an issue in children, but these days it has become an epidemic in the U.S. Therefore all individual has to understand the importance of health in order to stop this epidemic among children. Over the years the number has been increasing rapidly and little has been done about it. If actions aren’t taken then imagine what children in the U.S will will look like in the future.
  2.  Over the years child obesity has become an epidemic that seems not have an end. This is an alarming situation and many people aren’t worry about it. Children not only have to worry about their image, but many health problems as well. Will people ever take this situation as a threat to children lives?
  3. To reduce child obesity in the United States actions need to be taken soon. Parents, schools and food industries need to promote healthy eating habits. Each individual has to play their part in this situation.

5 comments May 6, 2010

Journal Entry #3: Reclaiming My Topic

Freewrite: In the beginning when I decided to write about child obesity I wasn’t to sure, but I always had an interest in this topic. I wasn’t sure how much information I was going to find about my topic. I was interested to find and learn more about this epidemic. Finding out how many children in the U.S are obese and worst of all the number that it has increase in the past two decades was very surprising and depressive. To me, the health of a child or any other persons is very important. I didn’t know all of the health, mental and emotional problem a child has when they are overweight. At this point I am pretty comfortable with my topic.

Moments, Stories, People, and Scenes: Ever since I can remember, I would always hear other people making fun of overweight children or grown ups. I have always been a thin person, but I never liked the fact when an overweight person was made fun of. The worst stories that I have seen were in elementary school. I remember that when I was in six grades there were a few over weight kids in my classroom who were always made fun of. Nobody wanted to play with them and kids would make the dumbest jokes or reasons not to be around them.

Person: What can parents do to stop child obesity?

Me: Don’t buy junk food, take them on walks, park, limit T.V time, pack them a healthy lunch and don’t let them choose what they want and don’t to eat. Teach them a good diet habit from the start.

Person: Do you think this will help them?

Me: Of course, the reasons for the growth of this epidemic are the lack of exercise and bad diets in a child.

Person: How can I make them have a healthy lifestyle if they don’t want to?

Me: That’s why it’s important to show them a healthy diet from the beginning as an infant. Even better, mothers are recommended to lose weight before their pregnancy then after they have their baby. This will prevent a child to become obese as he or she gets older.

So What?

It’s important for parents to understand that children need a healthy lifestyle from the beginning to ovoid them from becoming obese. Children don’t control what they eat, buy or the time they spent in front of a T.V, computer or playing video games. We need to stop thinking that the only problem a child has are a few pound more and start looking at all the health, mental and emotional problems they can have due to their weight.

4 comments April 29, 2010

Journal Entry #2- Believing and Doubting

“While the drugs do help treat the conditions, some doctors fear they are simply a shortcut fix for a problem better addressed by exercise and diet. Even so, some pharmaceutical companies are developing new versions, including flavored ones, of adult medications for children.”

Saul, Stephanie. “Weight Drives the Young to Adult Pills, Data Says.” New York Time [NY] 26 July, 2008, Access World News. Web. 13 April 2010.

Believing: I believe that kids shouldn’t be taking adult medication to treat conditions that can be gone with exercise and diet. Giving them medication and flavored ones make me think that our society aren’t helping fight obesity. Why make flavored ones? Taking adult medication is bad as it is and making it with nice flavors makes this situation easier.

Doubting: I doubt that kids can live with out adult medication. It would be really hard for them to exercise, be on diets and stay healthy. If doctors are prescribing adult medications to children, then it might not be so bad.

2 comments April 27, 2010

Research Journal Entry 1

1. Kinds of sources: I have book, new papers, magazines, Website and articles.

2. Types of information: informative, data, facts and statistics.

3. Purpose of publications: Most of my resource is to inform and persuade to a healthier lifestyle.

4. Documentation: Some of my sources were cited, but not how we were tolled to do so. Others weren’t cited. 

5.  Credentials and expertise: Most of my sources were written by doctor, nutritionist, universities or other organizations that has knowledge in the health field.

6. Publishers: MD’s, universities, non-profit organizations ar a few of the publishers of my sources.

7. Dates of publication: I looked for sources that were written between 2005 and 2010. The information given in my sources aren’t that old, but most of the m share close information. The only difference are the numbers have increased as the years gone by.

8. Objectivity: I just wanted to find information about the different ways kids are affected when they are overweight and most of my sources are to inform or to persuade the readers.

6 comments April 20, 2010

Ecercise 1.6

1. what is the relationship between obesity and and fast food?

2. what is the relationship between the attitude of  partents torwards health and obesity?

3. What role do shcool play in obesity?

4. What’s the  relationship between exercise and obesity?

1 comment April 8, 2010

Exercise 1.5

Does the United States have the highest number of  obesity children?

1. Do kids get enought exercise?

2. Why can the U.S be the number one country with the most obisty kids?

3. Does having a fast food restaurant in every corner making it harder to fight obestity?

4. Can we put a child in a diet?

5. Do we care that we have alot of obesity?

6. why aren’t we taking action?

Add a comment April 8, 2010

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Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

1 comment April 8, 2010






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